Organic Store Stock Report March 2023

The demand for all categories of organic store cattle continues unabated. The week on week rise of the finished price along with strong demand from processors is keeping the requirement for store cattle relentless.

As I have reported on a number of occasions, the high value of barren cows and the lack of profitability in some breeding herds is causing a reduction in cow numbers in organic herds throughout the UK. The position is simple to see – less cows means less calves, less store cattle and less finished stock available to keep adequate supplies of organic beef on the shelves.

OLMC are routinely monitoring store cattle prices and our analysis of prices between the New Year and now show an increase in average prices of at least £100 per head and more in some cases. Beef prices have made a quantum leap in the last two years and whilst there may be a period of stability and small ‘peaks and troughs’, current levels look likely to be the new norm.

The organic lamb finished trade continues to be subdued with prices well back on recent years and at times below the five year average. After four or five years of good returns for producers the national flock has increased to very high levels and simply producing more lambs than the market can absorb. In the short term, Easter, the Kings Coronation, and the Festival of Eid should bring back some bite to the trade. Going forward it is noticeable that the ewe scannings are showing a trend of lower lamb yields so price predictions for the next year are more optimistic.

We are always happy to discuss your marketing options for any class of stock.

For all your organic store cattle, store lambs and dairy stock please contact:

Peter Jones – office 01829 730 580 / mob 07720 892 922

David Bostock – office 01829 730 580 / mob 07734 808 050