Tim Leigh 🖊 OLMC Finished Stock Marketing Report August 2023

✅Prime Cattle

The trade for prime organic cattle has weakened marginally. Consumer demand has

dropped off for the time being, possibly more to do with people being abroad on

holiday than just not buying it. The numbers of stock coming forward are slightly

greater than currently needed, leading to some backlogs and the already mentioned

weaker trade.

The grazing situation remains fairly good on the whole, with good stocks of winter

forage already made and grass ahead of cattle going into the autumn.

Average R4L Organic UTM in spec @ 520p/kg deadweight

✅Cull cow

The demand for cows while still reasonable has not been able to sustain the high

prices of the past few months. Prices have weakened in both organic and

conventional markets for cull stock. The trade will likely regain greater levels as we

move through the autumn and into the winter months.

Average R4L Organic OTM Cow in spec @ 3.85/kg deadweight


The demand for organic lambs until very recently has been very good. The midsummer months seeing trade remain at a very strong level. Like the conventional

market lambs have come back in price in the past few weeks as more come on to

the market.

The price should start to move up again as we get toward Christmas and into the

new year.

The quality of lambs being sent through OLMC has been extremely good, with many

making the top grades.

Average R3L organic NSL in spec @ 560p/kg

☎Finished Stock Marketing Office; 01763 250313

☎Tim Leigh; 07850 366404

☎James Doel; 07741 248928